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Donations are vital to our work and gratefully received.
Just a few pounds a month can make a real difference to a young person's life.

£5 a month
could help us provide hot drinks in a safe space to allow vulnerable people to relax and chat

£15 a month
for a year could provide 12 beneficiaries with a beautiful gift to remind them that they are uniquely and wonderfully made

£25 a month
over nine months could fund a young person's place on a Be Me course, helping to develop their self-esteem and improve their wellbeing

One off donations
are always gratefully received, helping Be Me run on a day to day basis and enabling us to reach those who are struggling
If you are a UK tax payer, Gift Aid allows us to collect an extra 25p for every £1 you donate. Please fill in this form to allow us to access these vital extra funds.
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